1. Like a well-worn shoe,
you have supported me;
I have trusted you since I was young. But now my legs won't take me
quite as far or quite as swiftly,
be my strength, be my speed, be my shelter.

2. Like a cosy room,
you have surrounded me;
like a mother's womb, keeping me safe. But now my bones are brittle
and my voice won't sing as sweetly,
be my strength, be my speed, be my shelter.
Don't stay away from me,
God, I rely on you.
Do not abandon me now I'm old. Life hasn't been all that easy,
but you have protected me
since the day I was born.

3. Like no other God,
you keep me from the grave; death will come just once,
life will go on.
And though I don't feel different than I did when I was younger,
be my strength, be my speed, be my shelter.

1992. I had been asked to write a song for the aged care presentation at the annual state convention of our church. I made no headway until my co-worker at St Stephen's, Ronda Schultz (who had asked me in the first place!), suggested I look at Psalm 71 as a basis. Voilà!



Taking a Break 


4 weeks


During September,

I'm taking a break

from the site








See you

next month