Comfort, comfort all my people with the comfort of my word. Speak it tender to my people: All your sins are taken away

1. Though your tears be rivers running, though your tears be an ocean full, though you cry with the hurt of living, comfort, comfort.
Every valley shall be lifted,
every mountain shall be low,
every rough place will be smoother: comfort, comfort.

2. Though your eyes see only darkness, though your eyes can see no light, though your eyes see pain and sorrow: comfort, comfort.
Every night will have its morning, every pain will have an end, every burden will be lightened: comfort, comfort.
Extra verses written for 1988 Christmas Bowl Appeal

1. Though we build strong walls for prisons, though we feast while others starve, though we fill this world with weapons: comfort, comfort.
Every prisoner will be rescued, every hungry mouth be filled, every gun will rust, forgotten: comfort, comfort.

2. Though we fracture God's creation, though we stand so far apart, though we fail to love each other: comfort, comfort.
Every wall will crack and crumble, every stranger will be friend,
every one embrace another: comfort, comfort.

1975. Three or four days after our twin sons were born, Dorothy was overwhelmed by it all and was crying when I came to visit her in the evening. (Dorothy never cries — well, only about once every ten years. She says it's too much bother.) In typical, helpful, husbandly fashion, I went home and wrote a song for her. She wasn't all that impressed at the time and is still not keen on the song. But I like it, and from many comments made to me, it's clearly been a song that has helped many people when they've been going through difficult times, times of conflict, struggle or depression.



Back from a Break 


During September, Dorothy and I travelled
to Norway and the UK.

After long flights
- Adelaide to Melbourne,
Melb to Dubai (14 hrs),
Dubai to Oslo (7 hrs) -
we did Norway in a nutshell
from Oslo to Bergen, then
the Hurtigruten Cruise 
up the west coast of Norway
and back again.
Then an 8 day Trafalgar tour
and 4 days in London,
before taking the direct flight
(16 3/4 hrs)
from Heathrow to Perth.
We're a bit tired (!) but we'll still be a part
of the LWA convention and the 
General Convention .

See some of you there.