1. Can broken hearts be mended? Can sorrowing be ended?
Can tears be wiped away?
We long for heaven’s glory, sometimes it’s just a story
we hope we’ll be inside one day.

2. We dream about perfection,
we hope for resurrection
— is heaven drawing near?
Our eyes will see the new day,
our feet will walk the new way
when night is gone, and day is here.

3. The One we’re called to follow shared
every grief and sorrow and understands our cries.
Jesus, you walk before us, and you will not ignore us,
no matter where our journey lies.

4. Lord, teach us love and kindness, remove our fear and blindness, and lead us every day:
to mend a heart that’s breaking
to comfort those who’re aching — may we all walk your servant way.

5. Lord Jesus, who dost love me,
O spread thy wings above me,
and shield me from alarm;
though Satan would devour me,
let angel guards sing o’er me:
this child of God shall meet no harm.

Words © Robin Mann 2003. Verse 5: Paul Gerhardt (1607-76) Tune: Heinrich Isaac 1494


Back from a Break 


During September, Dorothy and I travelled
to Norway and the UK.

After long flights
- Adelaide to Melbourne,
Melb to Dubai (14 hrs),
Dubai to Oslo (7 hrs) -
we did Norway in a nutshell
from Oslo to Bergen, then
the Hurtigruten Cruise 
up the west coast of Norway
and back again.
Then an 8 day Trafalgar tour
and 4 days in London,
before taking the direct flight
(16 3/4 hrs)
from Heathrow to Perth.
We're a bit tired (!) but we'll still be a part
of the LWA convention and the 
General Convention .

See some of you there.