1. Lord, hear my praying, listen to me;
you know there's evil in what I see.
I know I'm part of all that is wrong;
still, won't you hear my sorrowing song?

2. Children are crying, hungry for food,
sick from diseases — God, are you good? People are homeless, lost and alone —
God, are you hiding? Where have you gone?

3. Why do the rich ones steal from the poor? Why do they build their weapons of war? How can you stand the torture and pain, hope disappearing, freedom in chains?

4. Jesus, remind us that you are found
with those who cry, with those who are bound. Where there is suffering, you will be there — help us to follow, Lord, hear my prayer.

1986. The psalms are full of complaints and questions, people asking why, wondering about God's wisdom. Yet so few of the contemporary Christian songs argue with God. There's a lack of honesty, which also suggests to me that people are a little out of touch with the one who raises all these questions. Honesty, reality, anger — God can stand a little more of that from us. God is big enough.



Taking a Break 


4 weeks


During September,

I'm taking a break

from the site








See you

next month